Where will home prices go in the future? In most markets in the US it is unlikely we will see any more radical deterioration in home prices. Data suggests flat or slighlty rising home prices on a natioanal scope with some markets going up and fewer going down.
I would suggest that a more important question to be asked is: Where will rates go? And that's really easy to answer...up. Rate increases will have a bigger effect on a buyer's ability to afford a home ( or not ) than where prices will go. So as we talk to potential buyers about what the future holds I will almost always focus on rates.
Why? For one simple reason. In order to offset an increase of 1% in an interest rate on a 30 year term loan a borrower's loan amount would have to drop by approximately 10% to keep the same approximate principle and interest payment. For almost every borrower, payment, not the price is the major determinant in what to pay for a home. When I talk to borrowers they don't ask me what they should pay for a home they ask what payment the payment will be. Are they shopping price or rate?
Wednesday: CPI
3 hours ago